AMC Annual Report 2019
AMC Annual Report 2019

Workplace-based Assessment (WBA) is a form of assessment offered to IMGs as an alternative to completing the AMC clinical examination. The WBA program is a form of assessment offered in the workplace for IMGs working with supervised registration. WBA enables IMGs to demonstrate their progress in integrating clinical knowledge and skill as a basis for effective clinical judgments and decisions and tracks their development towards becoming a clinical practitioner in the Australian setting.

The focus of WBA is on the application of their IMG knowledge and clinical skills in a workplace setting. The WBA program uses a variety of assessment methods over 6-12 month program including Case Based Discussions, Mini Clinical Examinations, Direct Observation of Procedural Skills, Multi-Source Feedback from medical colleagues and other health practitioners and In Training Assessments.

WBA assessments are undertaken by providers accredited by the AMC. In the 2018-19 year, initial accreditation was given to an additional three WBA providers, taking the total to 10 providers. The AMC is focused on the development of the program in alignment with the AMC Strategic Plan.

In the 2018-19 reporting period seven accredited WBA providers assessed 125 IMGs.

  • 123 IMGs completed the assessment to a satisfactory standard and qualified for the AMC Certificate.
  • Two IMGs did not complete the assessment to a satisfactory standard and did not qualify for the AMC Certificate.
Table 8: WBA Statistics comparison for the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 Financial Years
2017/2018 2018/2019
Total IMGs who undertook the WBA 92 125
Total IMGs passed the WBA 92 123

WBA Statistics 2018-19

Click here for a breakdown of IMGs assessed through the WBA Program by country of training and provider.

See also Assessment of WBA Providers [link to ACCREDITATION 2nd last box item – WBA] and National WBA workshop article [link to HIGHLIGHTS item 2 – WBA]

Page Created 12 Nov 2019 | Page Updated 28 Nov 2019