AMC Annual Report 2019
AMC Annual Report 2019

Once an IMG has passed the AMC MCQ examination, they are eligible to apply to undertake the AMC clinical examination, or to participate in a workplace-based assessment program.

The AMC clinical examination assesses an IMG’s clinical competency and requires demonstration of clinical ability at the level of an Australian graduating final year medical student about to commence the (pre-registration) intern year.

Examination content is developed across a broad range of required clinical assessment areas such as

  • History taking
  • Physical examination
  • Diagnostic formulation
  • Management, counselling and education skills

Clinical examinations are delivered in the format of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination, consisting of a number of scored stations (scenarios) and require the presence of an examiner and a simulated or real patient.

From May 2013, AMC Clinical Examinations have been conducted at the purpose-built National Test Centre in Melbourne.

In the 2018-19 reporting period the AMC conducted 69 examinations at the National Test Centre, assessing 1,978 IMGs; a total of 537 passed the examination and qualified for the AMC Certificate. Just under 50% (964) of IMGs presented for the first time.

421 IMGs sat a clinical retest examination (prior to this no longer being offered from January 2019), of which 178 passed and qualified to receive the AMC Certificate.

Table 6: Clinical Examination Statistics comparison for the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 Financial Years
2017/2018 2018/2019 Summary of changes
Total undertaking examination 2,021 1,978 2% decrease
IMGs presenting for the first time 959 964 0.5% increase
Total passed 593 537 9.44% decrease
Total passed % 29.3% 27.1% 2.2%
Table 7: Clinical Retest Examination Statistics comparison for the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 Financial Years
2017/2018 2018/2019 Summary of changes
Total undertaking examination 418 421 0.72% increase
Total passed 196 178
Total passed % 46.9% 42.3% 4.6% decrease

Clinical Country of Training Statistics 2018-19

Click here for a breakdown of IMGs by examination attempt and country of training

>Clinical Retest Statistics 2018-19

Click here for a breakdown of IMGs who presented for the clinical retest.

Page Created 12 Nov 2019 | Page Updated 28 Nov 2019